Country #78 was heard and logged this morning on 4010 KHz:
Kyrgyz Radio 1 Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan . 11/1/2014 17:00-18:00 UTC in Kygryz, two male speakers, mostly talk. Slightly undermodulated, noisy but on a clear channel. Best around 17:10 on USB.
Overall, the band was in a very good shape at sunrise, with the follwing stations heard between 3900-4000 KHz:
3912 Voice of the people of Korea, 11/1/2014 from 17:00 in Korean, male speaker, jammed on USB squeaky whistler otherwise very good copy. S8.
3955 Radio Taiwan Int, Woofferton, UK, 11/1/2014 form 19:02-20:00 (late start) in German, male good copy S8.
3965 VO Isl R IRAN, Kamalbad, Iran, 11/1/2014 17:00-17:49 in Russian, female speaker good copy, clear freq. S9. About Ukraine, South Korea etc. Station ID 17:50 off-air
3965 R Taiwan Int. Issoudun, France 11/1/2013 form 18:00 in English. Time signal , station ID " This is Radio Taiwan International" m+F speaker Weak S4 noisy but on clear ch. Best at 18:34
3975 Vatican Radio, Vatican 11/1/2014 form 19:38 - 19:59 {CL}In Latin, Liturgy, S8.
3985 Echo of Hope, Korea 11/1/2014 form sunset to sunrise, best around 17:00 in Korean, female speaker, 18:56 male speaker, jammed. S9+10
3990 PBS Xinjiang, China. 11/1/2014 17:00 - 18:03 (CL)in Urumqi. Average signal on clear freq. Mostly central Asian / Chinese music. S7
4005 Voice of Islamic R IRAN, Kamalbad, Iran 11/1/2014 form 19:15 in French id Est issues, as of 19:20 mostly instrumental, of 19:23 Station ID " Govorit Iran" in Russian.