Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Solomon Island Broadcasting Corporation "Happy Hour" on 9545 KHz

What a surprise! Heard and recorded just after midnight, Solomon Island Broadcasting Corporation "Happy Hour" appeared on 9545 KHz, loud and clear. Great program in Pidgin, celebrating the New Year with plenty of local music.

Solomon Island, 9545 KHz. . Listed as 10KW.

AFN Radio, Diego Garcia, Chagos Island, Indian Ocean on 4319 KHz

The American Forces Network [AFN] is the brand name used by the United States Armed Forces Radio and Television Service

AFN Radio short-wave service is provided by the Navy as an option for their ships without the Navy's Direct-to-Sailor [DTS] capability.

Diego Garcia, Chagos Island transmitter was previously received on 12759 KHz . The last night it was heard on 4319 KHz. from 13:20 to 19:53 UTC. Listed as 3KW, on USB mode.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Country #77 : Radio Nacional Angola 1, Angola

Country no. 77: Radio Nacional Angola 1, Angola on 4949.758 KHz. December 24: carrier visible form around 17:00. Best around 17:25. Music, string instrument, drums. Below meaningful detection. Carrier disappeared around 19:40 UTC

Then on December 28: : much better signal strength but more noise, audible music from 17:15. Best copy from 18:00-18:04, male presenter in Portuguese. Sig. peaking at S6. Music until carrier lost after the local sunrise.

Unfortunately summer time is the worst propagation time to Africa, especially on low bands. However this first reception is encouraging - even more so for the fact that Radio Angola frequency is not co-shared.

Website: Radio Nacional de Angola.

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Radio Symban, Sydeny, Australia 2368.4 KHz

December 28: Greek Radio Symban is back on the air. Frequency: 2368.480 KHz. Listed as 400W TX. QTH: Leppington, approx. 55 km south of Sydney.

Radio Symban, NSW Australia

Voice of the People, Korea, clandestine to North Korea. 3480 KHz

Voice of the People, Korea, clandestine to North Korea. Frequency: 3480 KHz.
Jammed with tu-tone signal on +/- 170Hz and 1200 Hz which can be effectively neutralized by setting the mode to USB, bandwidth to 2.5Kh with notch filter on 1200Hz.

On air since 1985.

Recorded on December 28, 2013 at 16:25 UTC.

Voice of the People, Korea, 3480 KHz

Country #76: All India Radio, Port Blair, Andaman Island, 4760 KHz

Received from around 16:30 on UTC December 28, 2013. Lengthy musical piece, over 45 minutes then female announcer at 17:15. More music until sign off at 17:30. Weak and noisy.

AIR, Port Blair, Andaman Island, 4760 KHz

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Radio Habana, Cuba on 13680 KHz

Nice reception of the Radio Habana, Cuba on 13680 KHz. This time of the year, in the early mornings, signal follows the path of the maximum usable frequency [MUF] which is the long path between the two locations.

Recording of Radio Cuba, 13680 KHz

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

ESAT Radio, clandestine to Ethiopia 15365 KHz

ESAT Radio is on the air since 2011: supported by Dutch NGO, with goal of promoting democracy and human rights in Ethiopia. ESAT Radio program is transmitted from Bulgaria 17-18UTC daily, on or around 15365 KHz.

Heavily jammed with powerful 'white noise' signal. I was lucky to catch the opening of the programme, before the jammer!

ESAT Radio, Bulgaria, clandestine to Ethiopia, in Amharic 15365 KHz.

Website: ethsat.com

"Sound of Hope" from Taiwan, clandestine to China

Falun Gong "Sound of Hope" from Taiwan clandestine to China, December 24, 2013. From 14:00, in Chinese. Reception of the side lobe signal, fairly noisy. SOH is one of the most prolific stations transmitting on over 70 different short-wave frequencies, often simultaneously. Often, signal is jammed by CNR. Last night heard on 15790 and 15890 (with 2 seconds delay). Sound of Hope

Monday, December 23, 2013

Sawtu Linjiila, religious clandestine to Cameroon, 9800 KHz

9800 Sawtu Linjiila, from Germany. 22/12 from 18:30 in Fulfulde. Weak and noisy but very readable on clear freq. Until 18:59 when wiped out by VOA in Korean. Christmas acapella songs, AF.

Station intro recorded here: Sawtu Linjiila - Voice of the Gospel is Radio Ministry of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Cameroon.

Japanese clandestine radio Furusato No Kaze, 9950 KHz

Japanese clandestine radio Furusato No Kaze, produced by the Japanese government agency "Headquarters for Abduction Issue" targeting abducted Japanese citizens in North Korea. Recording: closing announcement, speaker reading website details [ www.rachi.go.jp ]. Furusato No Kaze 9950 KHz

Minghui Radio, clandestine to China, 6030 KHz

Recorded: last 20 seconds of programme. The Minghui signal is the weaker one (lady singing) under the strong China Radio CNR1. Minghui Radio, clandestine to China

Minghui Radio www.mhradio.org is Falun Gong-affiliated broadcaster.

PCJ International, special Christmas program 9335 KHz

Recording of the Happy Station PCJ, special Christmas program. Transmitting form Trincomalle, Sri Lanka.

Loud with a fast QSB.

Radio Ergo, clandestine to Somalia 17680 KHz

Received today on 17680 KHz. from 08:30 to 09:30 UTC Radio Ergo, clandestine to Somalia, transmitting site listed as Dhabbaya, United Arab Emirates.In Somali, surprisingly strong over the short path.

From www.radioergo.com:

"Radio Ergo is on air every day across the Somali-speaking region with original humanitarian news and information in Somali gathered by our unique network of 20 locally based correspondents.

Our focus is on providing a flow of communication between Somali communities and the humanitarian organizations seeking to serve them. As such, examples of Ergo’s reporting include personal stories and discussions with Somalis from all walks of life in villages, towns, displacement or refugee camps, and interviews with aid officials, informational announcements and programming of an advocacy nature.

Listeners can hear Radio Ergo every day across the region on shortwave at 1230-1330 EAT (0830-0930 GMT). Shortwave transmission is a key element of our strategy: in the absence of a national Somali public service broadcaster, and given the difficult political and security environment facing local FM stations in Somalia, shortwave is a sure means of reaching mass audiences across Somalia and the connected parts of the region.

The word “ergo” has great significance and resonance in the Somali language. It carries the essential meaning of mediators or envoys in the interest of people in need, and can also refer to those who mediate in conflicts."

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Radio Xoriyo, 15515 KHz hosted by Nexus, IRRS Milano, unknown transmitting location?

Heard last night: Radio Xoriyo from 1510-1530 UTC.

Recording of Radio Xoriyo, 15515 KHzIRRS Station ID

Reports to IRRS Milano, Italy / Nexus- but where is the TX located?

I am not an expert of Horn Of Africa, but according to my very limited research, Radio Xoriyo is an official radio station of Somali Ogaden National Liberation Front, Ethiopia [J.W.X.O.] Radio Xoriyo website

Radio Djibouti on 4780 KHz

Radio Djibouti, loud on 21 Dec 2013. Best around 18:30UTC. Receiving antenna: 15m ground vetical with 6 radials.

Recording of Radio Djibouti, 4780 KHz


Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Country #75: China Radio International, Bamako, Mali

This is a tricky one! Despite the strong carrier, modulation level of Bamako transmitter is painfully low. The carrier appeared on 15125 KHz at 15:58 UTC and was clearly visible until sign off time at 17:03. Male presenter in pres. Arabic, Chinese songs after 16:35.

No doubt all but hard core listeners would find the recording useless, however this is what it is and the best that could be pulled out from a transmitter suffering technical issue.

Best reception in USB.

Recording: CRI, Bamako, Mali 15125 KHz

Monday, December 16, 2013

Voice of Nigeria, DRM 15120 KHz

Heard and recorded this morning, via short path.

The best SNR was 13 dB.

Voice of Nigeria, DRM 15120 KHz

V of Nigeria is beaming to Europe, but luckily the transmitting time is from 18-20UTC which is a prime opening time to West Africa.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

QSL #10: Sri Lanka

The very first AWR broadcast form Sri Lanka was on October 1, 1950. Nowdays, Adventist World Radio broadcast from Trincomalee. Nice QSL card for reception on 11805 KHz. Thank you AWR!

QSL #9: Madagascar

AWR QSL card for 15480 KHz transmitting originating form another mega-location, Talata-Volondry from Madagascar.

Full data QSL card, signed and verified.

QSL #8: South Africa

Meyerton, South Africa is a major shortwave transmitting station, used by the South African Broadcasting Corporation and several other international broadcasters. Officially opened on 27 October, 1965.

QSL received for an AWR boradcast on 1177 0KHz. Loud and clear!

QSL #7: AWR, France

Picture QSL card from AWR, Issoudun, France. 11860 KHz.

Photo: Wavescan executive producr Dr Adrian Peterson speaks at the 2012 annual meeting of the Bational Association of Shortwave Broadcsters (NASB) in Washington, DC.

Issoudun radio site is currently used by (Télédiffusion de France) for short-wave transmissions. The site employ 12 rotary ALLISS antennas fed by 12 transmitters of 500 kW each to transmit short-wave broadcasts by Radio France International (RFI), along with other broadcast services.

What a mighty setup!

QSL #6 AWR, Austria

Adventist World Radio are good guys! This morning a thick air mail envelope arrived, containing 6 QSL cards from various transmitting sites. The first card was for a broadcast originating from Moosbrunn, Austria for a program on 11955 KHz.

All cards were personally signed by Mr. Adrian M. Peterson, N9GWY who is the AWR's DX Editor.

Global coverage, FM qulaity audio on short waves: DRM

According to DRM.org, DRM broadcasting offers "greener, clearer, wider, bigger, better quality & audio content". I'll let you be the judge: here is the actual recordng of a decoded DRM signal by Radio Vatican as received in Sydney, 16,340 km away.

And here is the spectral shot of the DRM signal:

Here is another DRM station - and this one is running just 1KW of power. Unfortunately not stron enough for full audio decode, but station ID was decoded fine even at SNR of just 3.0dB !

biteXpress, Germany:

To decode DRM you need to downlowad DREAM software: Open-Source Software Implementation of a DRM (Digital Radio Mondiale) Receiver under the GNU General Public License (GPL).

Here is the DRM broadcasting schedule.